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Oct 17th, 2024, International Conference

We gave a presentation titled “Development of Flexible Perovskite/Chalcopyrite Tandem Solar Cells” at the CIGS Thin-Film Workshop 2024 (held at the Paradise Hotel Busan) in Busan, Korea.

Oct 11th, 2024, Domestic Conference

We made a presentation titled “Development of Flexible Tandem Solar Cells Using Perovskite and Chalcopyrite” at the Solar Cell Forum (held at the Kanagawa Science Park) hosted by the Kanagawa Institute of Industrial Science and Technology (KISTEC).

Oct 10th, 2024, Exhibition

We exhibited our products at Kanagawa Prefecture Automotive Technology Exhibition in Honda (Tochigi) in 2024.

Oct 9th, 2024, International Conference

We gave a presentation titled “Building a Buried Interface with AJI-NO-MOTO Modification of SnO2 ETL for High Performance Perovskite Photovoltaic Devices” at the PRiME 2024 (Hilton Hawaii Village) in Hawaii.

Oct 3rd, 2024, Exhibition

Our flexible solar panels were exhibited at the booth of KIS Corporation at the SAKU MESSE held in Saku City, Nagano Prefecture.

Sep 24th, 2024, Visit

Governor Kuroiwa of Kanagawa Prefecture visited our company. He saw our refrigerated containers with next-generation solar panels attached, which we are developing jointly with Topre Corporation under contract with Kanagawa Prefecture’s research and development project.

Sep 23rd, 2024, International Conference

We gave a presentation titled “Optimal Design for Flexible Solar Panels Attached around Cylindrical Poles” at the 41st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition held in Austria Center Vienna, Austria.

Sep 19th, 2024, International Conference

We gave a presentation titled “Highly efficient perovskite/chalcopyrite tandem solar cells via scalable dry process“ at the 7th International Conference on Perovskite Solar Cells and Optoelectronics (PSCO2024) in Perugia, Italy.

Sep 17th, 2024, Domestic Conference

We made a presentation entitled “Enemy or ally? Sphalerite, Chalcopyrite and Perovskite thinfilm PV” at the Symposium on Organic vs Inorganic Compound Materials, Thin-film Solar Cell Battle Royale of the 85th JSAP Autumn meeting 2024 held at TOKI MESSE.

Sep 10th, 2024, International Conference

We made a presentation entitled “Proton Degradation-Free Lightweight Flexible Solar Cells” at The 23rd International Workshop on Space Solar Cell Calibration and Measurement Techniques (AM0 Workshop) held in Cleveland.

Sep 5th, 2024, Press

Sangyo Times inc. introduced our company in an article titled “PV Technology Trends 2024 Compound Solar Cells” in the Electronic Device Industry News.

Sep 1st, 2024, Press

PXP was featured in CEO Insight Asia’s TOP 10 CTOs IN JAPAN.

Article is here.

Aug 30th, 2024, Press

The article titled “PXP/Renewed Challenge with Flexible Solar Cells” was published in the Denki Shimbun (Electric Daily News) published by the Japan Electric Association.

Aug 29th, 2024, Domestic Conference

We made a presentation entitled “Development of Lightweight Flexible Solar Cells with Strong Radiation Hardness” at the 2024 Workshop on Space Power Supplies and Related Technologies held at X-NIHONBASHI TOWER by JAXA.

Aug 21st, 2024, Domestic Conference

We made a presentation titled “Realization of Smart Energy Society by EOT (Energy of Things)” at the 75th Analog Technology Trend Seminar (Kyoto Terrsa) hosted by the High Frequency and Analog Semiconductor Business Study Group.

Aug 20th, 2024, Press

The article titled “Topre’s refrigerated trucks to demonstrate next-generation flexible solar cells” was published in Best Car’s truck magazine Fullroad web.

Aug 20th, 2024, Press

An article titled “Chalcopyrite Solar Cells Receive Many Inquiries, Mother Plant to be Built” was published in the New Energy Business News published by The Heavy & Chemical Industries News Agency.

Aug 15th, 2024, Press

Sangyo Times inc. introduced our company in an article titled “PXP Announces Strategy for Automotive PV, Tandem Type to Run 25km” in the Electronic Device Industry News.

Jul 30th, 2024, Report

PXP’s proposal “Introduction of Next Generation Solar Panel Assembly Robot” has been adopted by Sagamihara City for its subsidy project “Sagamihara City Industrial Robot Introduction Subsidy“.

Jul 24th, 2024, Event

We made a presentation entitled “EOT (Energy of Things) for Smart Energy Society” at Climate Tech Community Tokyo Meetup Summer 2024 (KDDI DIGITAL GATE, Toranomon)

Jul 20th, 2024, Media

PXP was introduced in the “Renewable Energy x Tech Venture Chaos Map 2024” of LIVIKA, an information media operated by LOHASTYLE Co.

Jul 19th, 2024, Media

PXP appeared on FM Yokohama’s program “Brand New! Friday“.
Next-generation solar cells from Sagamihara City were picked up in the Life Style Labo segment of the program.

Jul 12th, 2024, Press

We reported to PR TIMES that we have been selected for a research and development project by Kanagawa Prefecture in collaboration with Topre Corporation.

Jul 11th, 2024, Domestic Conference

We made a presentation entitled “Development of next-generation solar cells for new fields” at the 21st “Next Generation Photovoltaic Power Generation Systems” Symposium of the Japan Photovoltaic Society held at Hiroshima International Conference Center.

Jul 2nd, 2024, Press

We reported in PR TIMES on our efforts toward early commercialization of Flexible Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells.

Jun 20th, 2024, Press

Our company was introduced in an article titled “PSC and CIGS cells achieve efficiency of over 26%” of the Electronic Device Industry News (Sangyo Times inc.).

Jun 12th, 2024, International Conference

We made presentations entitled “FAPbI3 Perovskite Solar Cells Exceeding 22% Power Conversion Efficiency Prepared via Ultra-Fast Single-Sourced Evaporated PbI2” and “Temperature and Spectrum Dependence on Light Soaking Recovery for Proton-Irradiated Flexible Chalcopyrite Solar Cells” at the 52nd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference held at Seattle International Convention Center.

Jun 11th, 2024, Press

We reported in PR TIMES that we have developed flexible solar cells with extremely high radiation tolerance in space.

May 31st, 2024, Seminar

We will give a presentation titled “Development of Flexible Solar Panels for Automotive Applications” at the seminar “Technology Trends of Automotive Solar Cells and Challenges and Future Prospects for Evaluation and Loss Reduction” hosted by AndTech Corporation.

May 24st, 2024, Youtube

A distribution titled “Ultra-Light Solar Cells for New Frontier” has started on the Youtube channel Photovoltaics University.

May 21st, 2024, Domestic Conference

We made a presentation entitled “The Future of EV x Flexible Solar Cells” at the annual meeting of the Industrial Society for Next Generation Vehicle held at Tennozu Central Tower.

May 21st, 2024, Press

We reported in PR TIMES that we have started demonstration tests of EV tricycles with next-generation flexible solar cells.

May 15th, 2024, Press

Our company was introduced in an article of SIC KAWARABAN (Sagamihara incubation center).

May 15th to 17th, 2024, Exhibition

At the booth of Nagoya Electric Works Co., Ltd. on the Municipal General Fair 2024 (Tokyo Big Sight), PXP’s “non-fragile ultra-light flexible solar cells” was attached to an ultra-compact EV, which is expected to be used as a data collection vehicle during disasters.

May 2nd, 2024, Press

Our company was introduced in an article titled “Flexible Solar Cells Leading the World” of Nikkei TRENDY (Nikkei Business Publications, Inc.).

Apr 2nd, 2024, Press

The Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, Ltd. published an article on our company titled “Another Challenge with Light, Thin, and Flexible CIS Solar Cells” in New Switch.

Apr 1st, 2024, Press

Our achievement of 26.5% efficiency on flexible perovskite / chalcopyrite tandem solar cell was disclosed in PR TIMES.

Mar 26th, 2024, Exhibition

From Mar 26th to Apr 30th, 2024, our solar panels will be on display in the lobby of the main building on the first floor of Sagamihara City Hall.

Mar 22nd, 2024, Domestic Conference

We made a presentation entitled “Development of Flexible Solar Cells with Chalcopyrite Compounds” at the Symposium on Functionality and physical properties of multi-compounds for the future at the 71st JSAP Spring meeting 2024 held at Tokyo City University.

Mar 16th, 2024, Press

SAN-EI CORPORATION published an article on our company titled “Current Status on Development of Flexible Solar Cells” in the Motor Fan technology TOPPER.

Mar 15th, 2024, Domestic Conference

We made a presentation entitled “Development of Flexible Thin-Film Solar Cells for Mobility” at the subcommittee workshop of the Japan Photovoltaic Society held at Tokyo University of Science.

Mar 15th, 2024, Press

Our company was introduced in an article titled “Perovskite solar cells approaching commercialization” of the Electronic Device Industry News (Sangyo Times inc.).

Mar 14th, 2024, Press

Shingari Co., Ltd. published an article on our company titled “How will flexible solar cells change EVs?” in the CARSMORA.

Mar 10th, 2024, Press

Our company was introduced in an article of Sokei Daily Paper.

Related link: Sagamihara incubation center

Mar 8th, 2024, Press

Our company was introduced in an article titled “KDDI’s perovskite base stations with new generation solar cells” of Keitai Watch (Impress Corporation).

Mar 7th, 2024, International Conference

We made a presentation entitled “Light-Weight and Smart VIPV Modules via Thin-Film Technology” at the PV in Motion 2024: Conference & Exhibition of Vehicle Integrated PV held at EPFL, Neuchatel, Switzerland.

Feb 28th, 2024, Visit

Mayor Kentarou Motomura of Sagamihara City visited our company.

Feb 26th, 2024, Media

PXP appeared on FM Yokohama’s program “Keep Green & Blue”.
The recording was broadcasted on the following schedule.
PXP was also featured on the program’s blog.

2/26 Mon 23:20-23:30 Program Blog (1)
2/27 Tue 23:20-23:30 Program Blog (2)
2/28 Wed 23:20-23:30 Program Blog (3)
2/29 Thu 23:20-23:30 Program Blog (4)

Feb 26th, 2024, Press

Our company was introduced in an article titled “Perovskite Solar Cells – A Winning Strategy” of New Switch (The Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, Ltd.).

Feb 15th, 2024, Event

We made a presentation entitled “Developing world-class technology at an affordable price! Non-fragile ultra-light flexible solar panels” at the Utsunomiya, Sagamihara, Shizuoka, Chiba 4-city joint startup pitch held at Shibuya Open Innovation Lab.

Feb 8th to 9th, 2024, Exhibition

We exhibited our products at the 28th “Earthquake Disaster Countermeasures Technology Exhibition” (Pacifico Yokohama).

Jan 25th, 2024, Press

Sangyo Times inc. published an article on our company titled “PXP, prototype production line is up and running, significantly reducing manufacturing costs.” in the Electronic Device Industry News.

Jan 24th to 26th, 2024, Exhibition

We exhibited our products at the 16th Automotive World (Tokyo Big Sight).

A demonstration EV with “non-fragile ultra-light flexible solar cells” was exhibited. We also showed solar cells with improved design and solar panels attached to various curved surfaces.

Introduction is here.

Jan 17th, 2024, Press

PR TIMES reported that a demonstration EV with our flexible solar cells has been completed and will be exhibited at “Automotive World“.

Jan 5th, 2024, Press

The completion and start of operation of the pilot line for our flexible solar cells was reported in PR TIMES.

Dec 22nd, 2023, Press

Our company was introduced in an article of business wave (Kanagawa Shinbun).

Related link: Sagamihara incubation center

Dec 19th, 2023, Press

Our new technology for flexible solar cells that can be freely attached and connected was reported in PR TIMES.

Dec 18th, 2023, Press

Nikkei inc. published an article on our company titled “23% Tandem Solar Cells” in the Nikkei Business Daily.

Nov 29th, 2023, Press

The best paper award at the 1st Middle East and North Africa Solar Conference by our integrated structure of flexible perovskite / chalcopyrite tandem solar cell and all-solid-state battery was reported in PR TIMES.

Nov 25th, 2023, Press

Vis On Press Co.,ltd. published an article on our company titled “Domestic CIS panel revival? PXP begins preparation of mass production” in the PVeye (Dec 2023 issue).

Nov 17th, 2023, International Conference

We made a presentation entitled “Feasibility Study of Rechargeable Flexible Tandem Solar Cells for VIPV Applications under Realistic Environments” at the 1st Middle East and North Africa Solar Conference held at Dubai World Trade Centre.

PXP’s presentation won the Best Paper Award.

Nov 16th, 2023, Press

Sangyo Times inc. published an article on our company titled “PXP achieved 23.6% efficiency on PSC and CIGS tandem” in the Electronic Device Industry News.

Nov 10th, 2023, International Conference

We made a presentation entitled “High Efficiency Flexible Chalcopyrite Solar Cells with Narrow-Gap Absorber for Tandem Applications” at the 34th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference held at Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center in collaboration with Tokyo Institute of Technology.

We reported 19.2% Eff on flex chalcopyrite enhanced NIR sensitivity for suitable bottom cell of tandem, and 23.6% tandem Eff with scalable dry-process perovskite.

Nov 9th, 2023, Domestic Conference

Our company was introduced in the talk “Status of efforts regarding solar power generation vehicles” at the 40th Solar Power Symposium held at the Tokyo International Forum by Japan Photovoltaic Energy Association.

Nov 8th, 2023, International Conference

We made a presentation at the 12th Annual Conference: Building a Sustainable, Secure and Inclusive Future Together held at Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Hotel by the U.S.-Japan Council.

Nov 2nd, 2023, Press

Our achievement of 23.6% efficiency on flexible perovskite / chalcopyrite tandem solar cell was disclosed in PR TIMES.

Nov 1st, 2023, Domestic Conference

We made a presentation entitled “Development of High Durability Chalcopyrite Thin-film Solar Cells” at the 2023 Workshop on Space Power Supplies and Related Technologies held at Nagoya university by JAXA.

The flexible solar cells developed by PXP have shown extremely high durability in the severe irradiation and temperature environment. This was a first step toward realizing aerospace applications and radiative application.

Oct 27th, 2023, Progress

Construction of clean room for our pilot line have been completed.

Sep 30th, 2023, Progress

Construction of pilot line for evaluating manufacturing process of PXP’s flexible solar cells have been started.

Sep 20th, 2023, International Conference

We made a presentation entitled “Heat-Tolerant Flexible Chalcopyrite Solar Cells via All-Sputtered Cd-free Electron Transport Layers” at the 40th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition held at Lisbon Congress Centre in collaboration with Tokyo Institute of Technology.

The flexible solar cells developed by PXP have shown extremely high durability in the severe temperature environment. This was a first step toward realizing VIPV and aerospace applications with considerably high temperature environment.

Sep 1st, 2023, Press

Our company was introduced in an article of SIC KAWARABAN (Sagamihara incubation center).

Jun 15th, 2023, International Conference

We made a presentation entitled “Proton Degradation-free Flexible Chalcopyrite Solar Cells without Cover Glass and Adhesive” at the 50th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference held at Puerto Rico International Convention Center in collaboration with JAXA and QST.

The flexible solar cells developed by PXP have shown extremely high durability in the severe space environment. This was a first step toward the realization of low-cost, long-life solar cells for space applications.

May 14th, 2023, Press

May 12th, 2023, Press

Our company was introduced in an article titled “The Realization of Solar Cars is Halfway” of the Electronic Device Industry News (Sangyo Times inc.).

Apr 13th, 2023, International Conference

Our company was introduced at the Symposium of “EN02: Thin-Film Compound Semiconductor Photovoltaics” in the MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, 2023.

Mar 23rd, 2023, Domestic Conference

Our company was introduced at the Symposium of “New trends in photovoltaics: progresses and future developments” in the 103rd Annual Meeting, Chemical Society of Japan, 2023.

Mar 16th, 2023, Press

Sangyo Times inc. published an article on our company titled “Next-Generation PV Emerging Company Develops Tandem for Automotive” in the Electronic Device Industry News (Page 7).

Mar 10th, 2023, Domestic Conference

We made a presentation entitled “Recent Progress in the Development of New High-Efficiency Photovoltaic Devices Using Chalcopyrite” at the 4th meeting of Energy for Carbon Neutrality and SDGs, Automobile Research Society, FY2022.

Feb 1st, 2023, Press

Our company was introduced in IPROS MONOZUKURI.

Jan 25th to 27th, 2023, Exhibition

We exhibited our products at the 15th Automotive World -Advanced Automotive Technology Show– (Tokyo Big Sight).

With the catchphrase “non-fragile ultra-light flexible solar”, we exhibited flexible solar cells and 30cm sized solar panels with practical encapsulation that can withstand long-term outdoor use. Many visitors actually held the products in their hands and experienced their light weight and flexibility.

Visitors also saw a demonstration of power generation when the panels were attached to curved surfaces and a demo movie showing a comparison test of impact tolerance.

Flexible tandem solar panels, which are under development to achieve higher efficiency, were also shown to the public for the first time.

Introduction is here.